Research and Innovation
In every classroom, laboratory and discipline, we nurture the desire to innovate, find solutions and improve the world.

Undergraduate Research
Ready to make discoveries that matter? Find on- and off-campus research opportunities for undergraduate students.

Graduate Research
In our 240+ graduate programs, you can pursue your research interests, find faculty mentors, and apply for graduate research assistantships, scholarships and fellowships.

Research Office
51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ Research spans the spectrum from nanotechnology to cosmology; from creating new works to studying ancient ones; from the opioid drug crisis to community development.

Innovation and Economic Prosperity
51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ is pursuing the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities' Innovation and Economic Prosperity designation.
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Aiming for the Sky
There are more than 100 million objects larger than one millimeter orbiting the Earth, yet less than 1% of debris that can cause mission-ending damage is currently tracked. 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ researcher Piyush Mehta is leading a team that will detect, identify and track lethal non-trackable space debris with support from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity’s SINTRA Program.

Energy Institute
We connect 51ÂÒÂ×»»ÆÞ energy researchers, programs, facilities, capabilities, students and workforce entrants with the future of energy.

Innovation Corporation
Our focus is rapidly delivering innovative, applied research and technical solutions to address government and industry challenges.

Lane Innovation Hub
We provides the tools and expertise to prototype, build and deliver new products.

Morris L. Hayhurst LaunchLab
Turn your idea into a new company or product with our resources for entrepreneurs and innovators.

Office of Technology Transfer
We propel the University’s research results into useful products and services for public benefit.

Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute
We develop innovative solutions for West Virginians and those across the world with neurological and psychiatric conditions.

STEM Education Center
Our vision is to break the cycle of poverty and improve health in West Virginia through education in the STEM disciplines.

Vantage Ventures
We're home to a fearless new generation of entrepreneurs. We marry West Virginian work ethic with outstanding innovation and resources in order to take emerging, high impact businesses to the next level.

West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute
We're a catalyst for clinical and translational research that targets priority health areas.